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Allied Property & Cas. Ins. Co. v Metro North Condo. Ass'n.

850 F.3d 844 (7th Cir. 2017)

Words & Phrases

Exclusions: Named Insured's Work

Trial Judge

Jorge L. Alonzo

Appellate Judge



No coverage for resulting damage because negligence claim had been dismissed.

Fact Summary

Allied Property and Casualty Insurance Company issued a commercial general liability policy insuring a subcontractor who worked on a multi-unit residential property owned by Metro North Condominium Association. In 2006 the Metro North property sustained extensive water damage caused by the subcontractor’s defective window installation. Metro North and the subcontractor reached a settlement in which the subcontractor assigned to Metro North its right to any insurance proceeds covering the damage. The subcontractor’s insurers (Allied and another insurer named AMCO) then filed this declaratory judgment action seeking a declaration that they were not required to cover the losses claimed in the settlement. The district court found for the insurers, and Metro North appeals. We affirm.

In 2009 Metro North sued the developer in Illinois state court for more than $5 million in damages. The developer apparently turned out to be insolvent, and in 2013 Metro North filed a fourth amended complaint that added a claim against CSC for breach of the implied warranty of habitability. Metro North also brought a negligence claim against CSC, but that claim was dismissed with prejudice because it was filed after the statute of limitations had expired.
